Saturday, 24 August 2013


In Room 13 we have been learning about the virtue of 'Purposefulness'

Learning Intention
  We are learning to demonstrate purposefulness

We will be successful when:
We discover our gifts
We have a clear vision of what we want to accomplish
We know why we are doing it
We focus on a goal
We get back on purpose if we get distracted
We persevere until we get results

Here are some of our goals that we are working on in reading, writing and maths.
In Room 13 we are purposeful with our learning!

Monday, 5 August 2013

Digital Citizenship - Respectful Communication Room 12 and 13

We are learning what respectful communication looks like, sounds like and feels like.
Here is our 'Popplet' brainstorm.

Digital Footprints

Created with Padlet

In Room 13 we have been learning about our digital footprints.  We know that anything that we put on the internet will be there forever!  This is what we want to see on our digital footprint in the future.